You will receive an email containing your Tracking Number once your package has been shipped from our Spanish warehouse. All orders are processed automatically and we are unable to expedite or delay shipping times.
GENERAL DELIVERY TIME: 3-5 working days.
*EU: Free
*United Kingdom 50 €
*Rest of World 100 €
You can request a return for any product within 14 days from the delivery date. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR A RETURN: Please contact us at if you wish to make a return. So as to ensure your item is returned to our headquarters without any issues or delays, we will organize a collection of your item at your designated address and at a convenient time for you. Once the collection is organized, we will email you a shipping label which must be placed inside the plastic envelope provided along with the return invoice and affixed to the top of the box. All costs associated with returns are assumed by the purchaser.
Please note that the cost of the return will be deducted from your refund. Returns within the EU are free, returns from the U.K. 30 €, all other returns 50 €. Due merchandising restrictions, all returns must be shipped from the same country they were purchased from. Once your package reaches the warehouse, please allow 3 to 7 business days (depending on peak times) for your return to be processed. When your item has been checked by our quality control team and accepted, your refund will be issued to the original payment method used and you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
Purchasing on TISSA FONTANEDA is reserved for end consumers. Our prices are inclusive of VAT. For each order a TISSA FONTANEDA invoice will be included. The document will be sent as an attachment in the shipping confirmation e-mail. Please note that once the order has been confirmed there is no way to modify the details you have entered and it is not possible to issue a new invoice.